Hello, I'm Alex.
I help ambitious professionals to become more successful by focusing on creating actionable plans around their careers, health & work-life balance. I will support you to improve focus, overcome procrastination, and establish positive habits.
My Story...
This was me 2.5 years ago.
I worked in International Events Sales.
I was morbidly obese with high blood pressure and undiagnosed type 2 diabetes
I was stressed, anxious, miserable and didn't know how to change it...
And then I found Coaching.​
After just 1 session...
I decided I was going to leave my corporate career
After some more coaching sessions...
I decided coaching as a career would be right for me.
After 2 years of training I qualified as an ICF Accredited Coach
I started to get fit & healthy - losing 4 stone / 25kg / 56lbs in the process
I reversed my Type 2 diabetes, and my blood pressure is under control.
I started to become the person I knew I could be.
I now help others to become the people they want to be as well.
If you want to start making your own positive career, health or work-life balance changes,
Coaching might be for you.
I will work with you and support you to get from where you are now to where you want to be, using a proven simple step by step process:
I will keep you accountable to your agreed actions so you don't lose focus or go off track.
If you want to have an informal chat about coaching
Book a call using the link below.